Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings
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Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending

by Charles Wesley


No. 66


1 Lo! He comes with clouds descending,
Once for favored sinners slain;
Thousand thousand saints attending,
Swell the triumph of his train:
God appears on earth to reign.


2 Every eye shall now behold him
Robed in dreadful majesty;
Those who set at nought and sold him,
Pierced and nailed him to the tree,
          Deeply wailing,
Shall the true Messiah see.


3 The dear tokens of his passion
Still his dazzling body bears;
Cause of endless exultation
To his ransomed worshipers;
          With what rapture
Gaze we on those glorious scars!


4 Yea, Amen! let all adore thee,
High on thy eternal throne;
Savior, take the power and glory
Claim the kingdom for thine own;
Everlasting God, come down!




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