Her husband was a "rake and a lick-spittle, the very last man in Scotland for Jane Campbell to throw herself away upon."—Whyte

"A thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me." — 2 Cor 12:7

The rest of your life.

""And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut." — Mat 25:10

Actually some of the colonists had entreated Rutherford to come, and he was considering it.

It was "well-born" and "honest" because Rutherford was exiled on account of his Christian principles.

In other words, if Christ had ownership of over 50 percent of his trials, then Rutherford would be bound to abide by his disposing of them.

He is referring to the minister settled in Rutherford's parish by the bishop.

Rutherford lost his wife and at least one child in Anwoth, and his ministry there was his whole life.


In other words, his investment of all his love and labours on Anwoth deserved better than to be sold by the bishop as a commodity. But things did not turn out so bad as Rutherford feared. As it turned out, the new minister was not opposed to Rutherford nor his work.