Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings
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Shepard, Thomas     Link to this author's section of the Table of Contents

(1605-1649) "This most pious divine was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Here he was brought under deep conviction of sin, and led to receive Jesus Christ for wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. This work was chiefly wrought by the instrumentality of the celebrated Dr. John Preston. Upon Mr. Shepard's removal from the university, he became lecturer at Earls Colne in Essex, where God greatly blessed his labors, and many souls were converted by his ministry. The infamous Archbishop Laud silenced him for non-conformity and forced him out of the country.

He arrived at Boston in October of 1635 and was chosen pastor of the church at Cambridge, continuing there until his death. He is credited for having stopped the progress of the antinomian heresy from breaking out in the new colony. Shepard was a person of great learning, a hard student, an admirable preacher, and an excellent writer. He was one of founders of Harvard College." Don Kistler

Shepard's Works, including his Parable of the Ten Virgins, The Sincere Convert and Sound Believer, and Theses Sabbaticae are available from SDG.

A few extracts are available at the Table of Contents.

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