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Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings [Table of Contents] [Fast Index] [Site Map] |
by James Durham
Verse 3. His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.
The third verse is the same, and to the same scope with verse 6 of chap. 2, and the words being the same in the original, we conceive they will read better here as they are there, 'his left hand is under my head;' here it is, 'should be under my head,' but 'should' is supplied and so the words hold out here (as in chap. 2:6,) a return, which the Bride had to her suit; our Lord Jesus coming, and putting in his left hand under her head, and as a kind brother taking her in his arms, answereth her suit, and satisfieth her desire: this agrees best with the words, as they were formerly used, chap. 2:6, and with the scope here. The verse following confirms it also, where she chargeth the daughters not to stir him up, which supposes him to be present: so we find the same charge following the same words, chap. 2:7, as also, her finding him, and bringing him to her mother's house, is followed with the same charge, chap. 3:5, and she is said to be leaning on him here, verse 5, and yet is by the daughters commended, and not despised, which is a proof that he was present; for, this is it that made her not to be despised. The meaning then is, now (saith she) I have obtained what I desired, and he is become very friendly and familiar with me, like a brother, which was my desire. And this shews, 1. That Christ easily condescends to his longing Bride, to give her such a degree of his presence as she called for; and that he doth this so suddenly, is great kindness and confidence: Christ will in this sometimes condescend very quickly to the desires of his longing people. 2. That she observes and acknowledgeth it; it is no less duty to observe and acknowledge a return, than to put up a prayer. 3. Christ hath a singularly tender way of communicating his love, and of embracing his people, he can take them in his arms, and make much of them, when he sees it fit. 4. There is a sweet satisfaction, and unspeakable heart-quieting refreshment to be found in Christ's arms; she thinks it so good to be here, that she speaks of it with much complacency, and carefully sets herself not to have it interrupted in the verse following.
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