"The absolute essentials in experimental religion
are described in his own words as 'that thorough change of heart,
usually denominated regeneration; that distressing conviction
of our undone condition by sin, and utter inability to relieve
ourselves by virtue of that strength common to mankind in general;
that humble acceptance of Christ as our only Saviour and Lord,
by a faith of divine operation; that humbling sense of the corruption
of human nature, and eager pursuit and practice of universal holiness'.
These characteristics were certainly present in his life to a
very high degree."
These are materials written by various authors about the Puritans or other Reformed subjects. There are separate listings for the sermons and extracts in the Table of Contents and for poetry.
About the Puritans in General
Biographies of Individual Puritans
Irish Interest
John Owen On the Spirit in the Life of Christ by Sinclair Ferguson. An article from the Banner of Truth about one of Owen's gems. A useful taste from a great feast. Word format PDF format
Thomas Hooker and the Doctrine of Conversion by Iain Murray. Originally published as a series of articles in the Banner of Truth in 1979 and 1980, here is the straight story on Puritan evangelism. Called "Preparationism" by its critics or "Seeking Evangelism" by its friends, it is the opposite of the "seeker friendly" fad of today. Murray writes with authority on this controversial topic as he marshalls his army of quotations and footnotes on both sides. Spurgeon is often enlisted as a foe of Hooker; so is Wesley; here they are in another light. Even if you finally disagree with Hooker, you won't correctly understand what he said until you read this. Highly recommended. PDF format, 61 pages, 260K.
Thomas Hooker: Beholding the Majesty of God The first part of the series above, which includes a biographical sketch of Hooker and some historical background for understanding his significance. Rev. Murray doesn't discuss the controversy in this section, but it is quite interesting on its own. (footnotes omitted)
Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland by Thomas Witherow. Here are some chapters from his book by the same title. Witherow gives biographical sketches of Presbyterian ministers and some extracts from their writings. The story of Presbyterianism in Ireland is a story of suffering, persecution, and fidelity to God.
The Situation In Northern Ireland by Edward Donnelly. Originally an address at a ministers' conference in 1988, this article may be somewhat dated politically, but is an accurate and helpful guide for those unfamiliar with Northern Ireland. Rev Donnelly explains some of the historical and spiritual dimensions of the Troubles.
About the Puritans in General
The Pilgrims and Puritans by Samuel T. Logan, Jr. A helpful article from Tabletalk magazine about the historical background of the English Puritans and the Pilgrims who came to New England.
The Example of the English Puritans by Erroll Hulse, editor of Reformation Today magazine. A valuable introduction to the Puritans and their significance today.
Is the Puritan Movement Dead-Ended? An article from Reformation Today Magazine from 1977 by Erroll Hulse. It contains a stirring quotation from J.I. Packer and some keen insights into our present situation.
Richard Sibbes and The Bruised Reed by J. William Black. An article from the Banner of Truth about this important Puritan and his experiential, pastoral care of souls. He explains how Christ bruises and then binds up the hurts of his people. A good introduction to Sibbes. Word format PDF format
John Owen On the Spirit in the Life of Christ by Sinclair Ferguson. An article from the Banner of Truth about one of Owen's gems. A useful taste from a great feast. Word format PDF format
Thomas Hooker and the Doctrine of Conversion by Iain Murray. Originally published as a series of articles in the Banner of Truth in 1979 and 1980, here is the straight story on Puritan evangelism. Called "Preparationism" by its critics or "Seeking Evangelism" by its friends, it is the opposite of the "seeker friendly" fad of today. Murray writes with authority on this controversial topic as he marshalls his army of quotations and footnotes on both sides. Spurgeon is often enlisted as a foe of Hooker; so is Wesley; here they are in another light. Even if you finally disagree with Hooker, you won't correctly understand what he said until you read this. Highly recommended. PDF format, 61 pages, 260K.
Thomas Hooker: Beholding the Majesty of God The first part of the series above, which includes a biographical sketch of Hooker and some historical background for understanding his significance. Rev. Murray doesn't discuss the controversy in this section, but it is quite interesting on its own. (footnotes omitted)
Richard Sibbes on Entertaining the Holy Spirit by Rev. Joel Beeke, who recently published a book on Assurance from various Reformed perspectives. This is an excellent, readable article from The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. For Sibbes, "entertaining" meant to nurture the friendship and hospitality of an indwelling Spirit. "There is no one in the world so great and sweet a friend who will do us so much good as the Spirit, if we give him entertainment." (Sibbes) Word PDF
Spiritual Characteristics of the First Christian Society in America by Iain Murray. An article from the Banner of Truth about the Pilgrims, their Christian society in Plymouth, and their legacy. (43K) Word PDF
Richard BaxterA Corrective for Reformed Preachers by Edward Donnelly Word PDF
In Defence of the Puritans by Martin Brown. Written as an 'apologia' for his study of the Puritans, this is an essay intended for students and seminarians, but helpful to all. Word PDF.
The Puritans and Revival Christianity by Iain Murray. A fine article from the Banner of Truth about the Puritan period, one of the greatest times of Biblical revival in history. (33K) Word PDF
Extracts and Anecdotes on Unity Among Christians by Iain Murray. Several short, interesting extracts from various historical sources by the former editor of Banner of Truth magazine. Word PDF
Is the Puritan Movement Dead-Ended? An article from Reformation Today Magazine from 1977 by Erroll Hulse. It contains a stirring quotation from J.I. Packer and some keen insights into our present situation.
A Letter Out of Grief by Samuel Danforth. Taken from Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana, here is a letter of grief, faith, and love for Christ.
Biographies of Individual Puritans
Richard Baxter and His Gospel by Maurice Roberts. An address delivered on the 300th anniversary of Baxter's death, Roberts gives a summary of Baxter's significance to preachers today.
The Death of Thomas Bilney by J. H. Merle d'Aubigné. A short extract from his Reformation history, showing the Christian courage of an early English reformer.
The Death of John Bunyan by George Offor. A short extract from his Memoirs, reprinted by permission from the Banner of Truth Magazine.
The Life and Character of Stephen Charnock by William Symington. A valuable look at who Charnock was and his importance for all time. An abridged version of this often appears with editions of the Existence and Attributes of Godhere is the original. (55K) Word PDF
Samuel Davies: Apostle of Virginia and Samuel Davies: Characteristics of His Life and Message by T.T. Ellis. Articles reprinted from the Banner of Truth Magazine about a pioneer Presbyterian missionary, church planter, preacher, pastor, and God's man for Virginia. Part 1 is an inspiring biography, and Part 2 combines an examination of his ministry with questions and applications for ministers today. Word PDF (Part1) Word PDF(Part2)
Philip Doddridge by G. Ella. An article from The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. A remarkable story of a godly minister. Word format PDF format
Some Sidelights on Ralph Erskine Not as famous as his brother, nevertheless he has many features of interest for us today.
Ralph Erskine's Marvellous Ministry by Dr. G. Ella. The life and ministry of a great preacher and warm Christian. Reprinted from The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. Word
Christmas Evans by Robert Oliver. A biographical sketch of a Welsh Baptist, greatly used of the Lord in both difficulty and in revival. The author includes several pastoral insights into the life of this remarkable preacher. Word PDF.
Thomas Goodwin: His Life, Times, and Quest for Assurance by Guy Davies. An excellent paper presented to the Congregational Studies Conference in Britain in 1994. Davies combines a short biography of Goodwin with insights into his writings, theology, and doctrine of Assurance. Many useful references and footnotes, a good introduction to an important Puritan. Word format (44K) PDF format (97K)
Thomas Goodwin by Alexander Whyte. A lecture in which Whyte said, "All I wish to do is for once to make full and heartfelt acknowledgement of my own deep debt" to Goodwin. Take a taste with someone who has drunk deeply from the well. Word format PDF format PDF
Samuel Rutherford by John Howie. A biographical essay from his "Scots Worthies." Word PDF
Samuel Rutherford and Some of his Correspondents by Alexander Whyte.
In 1894 Whyte gave a series of lectures which were later collected into a fascinating book. These are some of its chapters.
Download the entire book Samuel Rutherford and some of his Correspondents as a single PDF file, 139 pages, 336K.
See the individual chapters in the Rutherford Index.
A Brief Life and Times of Samuel Rutherford Some introductory material that might be helpful.
Thomas Shepard's Account of His Preaching A moving story of the great preacher describing his homiletical methodology-- from his deathbed. Taken from Thomas Brook's "Lives of the Puritans."
An Appreciation of Shepard by Alexander Whyte.Word format PDF format
Adrift in the New Jerusalem The story of a disappointed new arrival to New England. Or did the Starship Enterprise transport him into today's evangelicalism?
Richard Sibbes and The Bruised Reed by J. William Black. An article from the Banner of Truth about this important Puritan and his experiential, pastoral care of souls. He explains how Christ bruises and then binds up the hurts of his people. A good introduction to Sibbes. Word format PDF format
Charles Simeon: His Trials and Patience in the Ministry by John Piper. Would you consider being locked out of your church a reason to find another calling? How about 30 years of opposition? Here is the patience, and reward, of God's preacher. Word PDF.
A Memoir of Thomas Watson by Charles Spurgeon Originally prefaced to an edition of his Body of Divinity prepared for Spurgeon's Pastors' College.
John Welsh of Ayr by Maurice Roberts. The moving story of John Knox's son-in law, first a robber, then minister, prisoner, and exile to France. A biography of a man faithful to his calling. Word.
Irish Interest
Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland by Thomas Witherow. Here are some chapters from his book by the same title. Witherow gives biographical sketches of Presbyterian ministers and some extracts from their writings. The story of Presbyterianism in Ireland is a story of suffering, persecution, and fidelity to God.
The Situation In Northern Ireland by Edward Donnelly. Originally an address at a ministers' conference in 1988, this article may be somewhat dated politically, but is an accurate and helpful guide for those unfamiliar with Northern Ireland. Rev Donnelly explains some of the historical and spiritual dimensions of the Troubles.
The Conversion of a Cockfighter The story of an Irish rowdy who "just happened" to meet Charles Graham on a road in County Fermanagh, in 1801. An excerpt from a book recently republished in Ireland.
An Intruder Captured The exciting story of a ruffian who planned on trouble during a Bible class in Co. Clare, Ireland, in 1806. He found it, too. [From the same book as above.]