
Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings
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Fire and Ice: Poetry

"Here stood that Trunk, and there that chest;
There lay that store I counted best:
My pleasant things in ashes lye,
And them behold no more shall I.
Under thy roof no guest shall sitt,
Nor at thy Table eat a bitt."

This table of contents contains the poetry on Fire and Ice. There a Table of Contents for sermons and extracts, and a separate listing for history and biography.

This page includes both Puritan poets and Non-Puritans.

Anne Bradstreet
Poems and Meditations
She was the first English poet in America, and her poems are filled with her struggles and faith.

William Cowper
From the friend and collaborator of John Newton came a steady stream of poems and hymns, many familiar today. Here are a few hymns and extracts from his longer poems.

Ralph Erskine
Although Ralph is not as well-known as his brother Ebenezer, he was more literary, musically inclined, and theologically deep. His poems are devotional and spiritually sensitive. Here is Calvinism put to song.

Edward Taylor
A selection of poems by a contemporary of Increase Mather and Solomon Stoddard. The Puritans not only preached great sermons, some of them created masterpieces of devotional literature as well. Give them a try.

Michael Wigglesworth
His poetry was not so polished as Taylor's, nevertheless Wigglesworth captured the doctrinal and religious life of the New England Puritans. His works were very popular among them, second only to Bunyan. Contributed by Stephen Lawson.

John Newton
Newton wrote many hymns, both with Cowper and on his own. He also wrote poetry. While he is not as elegant a poet as Cowper, his poetry has a clarity and simple charm that is appealing.
On Dreaming
The World
Praise for the Incarnation
Men Honoured Above Angels
Saturday Evening
At the Close of the Year
Joy and Peace in Believing
The Day of Judgement
Bitter and Sweet
Prayer Answered by Crosses

Poems Inspired by Samuel Rutherford
Last Words by Mrs. A. R. Cousin. Based on several of the Letters and S.R.'s last words. It was set to music, and is in the Trinity Hymnal under the title "The Sands Of Time Are Sinking." Here are all the stanzas.
Through Brier and Bush by Faith Cook. A lovely poem based on Letter 131, from her book "Grace in Winter."

Richard Baxter
A Psalm of Praise

Non-Puritan Poems
Here are some poems that I feel need to be included in Fire and Ice. Their inclusion should not be construed as any endorsement of any erroneous theological beliefs of their authors. That these poets expressed noble Christian sentiments with beauty and grace is sufficent reason for their works to be appreciated in their proper sphere. "Christianus sum; nihil christianii alienum me puto."

Isaac Watts
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Naked As From The Earth We Came
Infinite Grief! Amazing Woe!
We Are A Garden Wall'd Around
There Is A Land Of Pure Delight
O God, Our Help In Ages Past
Hosanna To The Royal Son
Our Days, Alas! Our Mortal Days
Where-E'er My Flatt'ring Passions Rove
Thus Saith The Ruler Of The Skies

George Herbert
A True Hymn
Colossians 3:3
The Windows
Love (I)
Love (II)
The Temper (1)
The Temper (2)
Jordan (I)
Employment (I)
An Offering
The Rose

Charles Wesley
Thou Shepherd of Israel, and Mine
Head Of Thy Church, Whose Spirit Fills
Holy Spirit
Granted Is The Savior's Prayer
Being of Beings, God of Love!
Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
Jesu, Lover Of My Soul
Blest Be The Dear, Uniting Love
Father Of Everlasting Grace
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Jesus, The Name High Over All
During his Courtship
For his Wife, on her Birthday

Deutche Gedichte
Übersetzungen von/ With English translation by Leonard Forster
Von dem christlichen Abschied dieser Welt Johann Hesse
Nunc dimittis Martin Luther
Über die Geburt Jesu Andreas Gryphius
Laß dich nur nichts nicht tauren Paul Fleming
Andacht Paul Fleming



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"That feeble faith may never fail,
Thine advocate has pray'd ;
Though winnowing tempests may assail,
Thy husband's near to aid."

"Sometimes a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
With healing in his wings:
When comforts are declining,
He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
To cheer it after rain."

"Soft nature seeks a path of ease
Secure from strange alarms;
Borne through the troubled scenes of life
In Christ's protecting arms;
Yet nobler far our strength to draw
From grace to call His will our law."

"When that this Bird of Paradise put in
This Wicker Cage (my Corps) to tweedle praise
Had peckt the Fruite forbad: and so did fling
Away its Food; and lost its golden dayes;
It fell into Celestiall Famine sore:
And never could attain a morsell more."

Updated 8 February, 2000

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