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Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings |
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A Practical Commentary on the Fifty-Third Chapter of Isaiah by Thomas Manton. Warm and experiential sermons which glorify and honour our Lord Jesus. Added 2 February 2005. Eighteen Sermons on 2 Thessalonians Chapter Two by Thomas Manton. Manton was one of the "majors" of the Puritan world and sermons like these show why. They are on a variety of topics from Christ's Return, the Antichrist, Christian Assurance, and nature of faith. Added 14 April 2004. Semper Idem: or, The Immutable Mercy of Jesus Christ by Thomas Adams. Adams is a little-known English Puritan who lived in London. This is a fine sermon filled with literary allusions, picturesque turns of phrase, and Christ's love. Word format PDF format Palm Doc format MS Reader format Christ the Life of Believersby Thomas Brooks. "Is the Lord Jesus Christ a believer's life? Why, then, let no believer be disquieted, nor overwhelmed and dejected, for any loss or for any sorrow or suffering that he meets with for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Oh, what should a man then do for Jesus Christ, who is his life!" Word format PDF format Palm doc format True Lovers of God Highly Privileged by Ralph Erskine. "As all the attributes of God, so all the works of God that ever he made, work for his people's good: his great end in making the world, was for the glory of his name and the good of his elect." Preached on a day of thanksgiving, it's a sermon of rich comfort and joy. Word format PDF format Palm doc format MS Reader format
The Spiritual Jubilee by Richard Sibbes. A sweet sermon on our spiritual victory in Christ. (84K) Word format PDF format (71K) Palm doc format (19K) The Tamed Lion a poem by John Newton, is based on a the time a lion visited Olney. Newton mentioned this visit in one of his Fourteen Letters to Rev. Mr. B which are newly added to Fire and Ice. Many New Poems Added to Poetry Page Poems by Edward Taylor, George Herbert, Isaac Watts, and others! If you like poetry, here are several worth a look! The Best Match; Or, the Incomparable Marriage Between the Creator and the Creature by Ralph Erskine (51K). "This doctrine lets us see that believers are no such lowly and wretched persons as the world generally takes them to be; they are Christ's bride, and he is their husband: and, O what an honour is it to be married to the Son of God! Having him for an husband, they come to be related to all Christ's relations; God is their Father, because he is his Father; angels are their servants, because they are his servants; saints are their fellow-brethren, because they are his members; heaven is their inheritance, because it is the kingdom of their husband. In a word, whatever is his, is theirs; 'And all things are yours, for ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's,' 2 Cor. 3:22,23." This is a good one. Word format (23K) PDF format (52K) Palm Doc format John Owen On the Spirit in the Life of Christ by Sinclair Ferguson. An article from the Banner of Truth about one of Owen's gems. A useful taste from a great feast. Word format PDF format Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland by Thomas Witherow. Here are some chapters from his book by the same title. Witherow gives biographical sketches of Presbyterian ministers and some extracts from their writings. The story of Presbyterianism in Ireland is a story of suffering, persecution, and fidelity to God. I found it fascinating reading, and I hope you will, too. N.B.We now have Palm Pilot Sermons. Download packs of six sermons each, which you can read on your PalmPilot. Take them with you on the airplane, to the beach, beam them to your friends! Also, the Westminster Standards (Confession, Larger and Shorter Catechisms) formatted for the Palm Pilot. (Four new packs added November, 1999.)
Thomas Hooker and the Doctrine of Conversion by Iain Murray. Originally published as a series of articles in the Banner of Truth in 1979 and 1980, here is the straight story on Puritan evangelism. Called "Preparationism" by its critics or "Seeking Evangelism" by its friends, it is the opposite of the "seeker friendly" fad of today. Murray writes with authority on this controversial topic as he marshalls his army of quotations and footnotes on both sides. Spurgeon is often enlisted as a foe of Hooker; so is Wesley; here they are in another light. Even if you finally disagree with Hooker, you won't correctly understand what he said until you read this. Highly recommended. PDF format, 61 pages, 260K.
Three Sermons by Hugh Binning Binning was a young Scottish minister during the war with Cromwell. His sermons were marked with his warm piety, great learning, and nationalism. See also a short biographical sketch. These "sermons" below are more like extended shorthand extacts than complete sermons, but they are both "stimulation for the mind and food for the soul." (E. Alexander)
Quotations from Thomas Brooks Twenty short quotations. Advice on Reading by Richard Baxter. A very short extract. Warning: may cause conviction. Good thing he didn't know about boxes with buttons and keyboards! The Situation In Northern Ireland by Edward Donnelly. Originally an address at a ministers' conference in 1988, this article may be somewhat dated politically, but is an accurate and helpful guide for those unfamiliar with Northern Ireland. Rev Donnelly explains some of the historical and spiritual dimensions of the Troubles. Richard Sibbes and The Bruised Reed by J. William Black. An article from the Banner of Truth about this important Puritan and his experiential, pastoral care of souls. He explains how Christ bruises and then binds up the hurts of his people. A good introduction to Sibbes. Word format PDF format The Death of John Bunyan by George Offor. A short extract from his Memoirs, reprinted by permission from the Banner of Truth Magazine. Praying for Your Children by William Scribner. A practical, useful summary by Phil Roberts of a larger article. You may also download this as a tri-fold brochure ready to be reproduced. Just print out the PDF file, photocopy it, and fold twice. U.S. Letter size A4 size. This is one you'll want to give to your friends. The Throne of Grace (93K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (95K) God In Christ, A God Of Love (63K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (65K) The King Held In The Galleries (57K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (60K) Unbelief Arraigned And Condemned At The Bar Of God (83K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (83K) The Necessity And Profitableness Of Good Works Asserted (80K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (82K) Christ In The Believer's Arms (97K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word (40K) PDF format (98K) The Groans Of Believers Under Their Burdens (58K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (59K) The Backslider Characterized (52K) by Ebenezer Erskine Word PDF format (56K)
Three Sermons on Christ's Return by Thomas Manton, contributed by Jeremy Kerr.
Six Sermons on Galatians 2:21 by Robert Traill, contributed by Jeremy Kerr.
Quotations from The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall, collected by Mark Reynolds. About 40 quotes. The Riches of God's Love to his Elect by Thomas Goodwin. "[Consider] the subject of this love, who it is that loved us. It is God, whose love therefore is as great as himself; and if God will be in love, how deep, how great will that love be! What a love will they possess with whom God professeth himself to be in love! Love, it is of all attributes the most commanding; it commandeth all in a man, and it commandeth all in God." (47K) Word PDF format (57K) Cases and Directions About Confessing Sins and Injuries to Others by Richard Baxter. A short extract with the practical wisdom you would expect from the author. Contributed by Steve Doan. Directions Against Covetousness by Richard Baxter (63K) "Oh what deserving servants hath the world, that will serve it so diligently, so constantly, and at so costly a rate, when they beforehand know, that besides a little transitory, deluding pleasure, it will pay them with nothing but everlasting shame!" Contributed by Steve Doan. Word PDF (23 pages, 69K) (See also William Gouge on the same subject.)
The Humble Soul the Particular Favourite of Heaven by Ebenezer Erskine. A complete sermon on Psalm 138:6, "Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly." "I think, that a man never passes the verge of moral humility, till self-righteousness be dethroned, till the high and towering imaginations of the man's own righteousness by the law be levelled by the mighty weapons of the gospel, and he brought to submit to the righteousness of God for justification, which is, in the gospel revealed 'from faith to faith.'" (44K)
PDF (19 pages, 54K)
Cases and Directions Against Censoriousness and Unwarrantable Judging by Richard Baxter (37K) "Study to keep up Christian love, and to keep it lively. For love is not censorious, but is inclined to judge the best, till evidence constrain you to the contrary. Censoriousness is a vermin which crawleth in the carcass of Christian love, when the life of it is gone." Contributed by Steve Doan. Word PDF (13 pages, 37K) Selections from The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock. Even though I love them, I have hesitated to tackle theses discourses because of their length. Here are some extracts which show their warmth and experiential value. Read these and then buy the 2 volume set.
Richard Sibbes on Entertaining the Holy Spirit by Rev. Joel Beeke, who recently published a book on Assurance from various Reformed perspectives. This is an excellent, readable article from The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. For Sibbes, "entertaining" meant to nurture the friendship and hospitality of an indwelling Spirit. "There is no one in the world so great and sweet a friend who will do us so much good as the Spirit, if we give him entertainment." (Sibbes) Word PDF
Five Sermons by John Calvin from his Sermons on Timothy and Titus. Find out why this book was one of the best sellers of the 16th century. These are PDF Image files from the 1579 edition.
A Song of Praise to God for his Merciful Judgments, Saving Benefits, and Victorious Salvation A Gospel Sonnet on Isa. 25:1-12 by Ralph Erskine.
The Happiness of Believers at Their Death by Samuel Willard (PDF Image File) 242K This is an extraordinary sermon.
Four Sermons by Spurgeon
The Letters of Samuel Rutherford
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![]() Updated 13 August, 2002 |
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