Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings
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Index to the Letters of John Newton

Taken from "Cardiphonia," the Letters of John Newton. (Author of "Amazing Grace," etc.) Most of these letters are not included in the Banner edition.

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Seven Letters to --------

Written to a church member on the subjects of humility and depending on God.
Our Good Shepherd
Strength in Trial
One Thing Needed
Dependence on Christ-God's Prescriptions
Honouring God-Trusting His Methods
But for the Grace of God-Preaching in Prison

Four Letters to Rev. Dr.--------

Written to a fellow minister, these letters consider God's providence and the joy of ministry.
Sowing the Seed--Doubting the Truth
Worries about the Journey--A Good Wife
Comments on an Accident
Godly Church Members

Three Letters to Mrs. G------

Letters to a weak Christian on the subject of assurance. Gentle words of encouragement from a pastor's heart.
Doubts-- Christian Growth
Evil Thoughts
Temptations--Evil Thoughts

Seven Letters to the Rev. Mr. P---

Newton corresponded with many ministers on a variety of topics. Here he writes to a fellow labourer about their ministries, the joys and sorrows of their work, and the personal experiences of their calling. Letter 4 includes interesting comments on Richard Baxter and his writings.
The Proper Attitude for Preaching
Conviction of Sin--Awakening
Sin in the Minister
Richard Baxter--Christian Hypocrisy--The Business of This Life
Dependence upon God--The Sense of Sin--Doubts
Zeal and Prudence
Feelings vs. Spiritual Well-Being

Two Letters to Miss F---

Written to a church member on the subjects of humility and depending on God.
Faithfulness to Light Received--Resisting Sin
Our Sense of our Sin

Eight Letters to the Rev. Mr S--- (Selections)

A series of longer letters to an unbelieving minister about the nature of faith. Newton appeals to his correspondent's knowledge of Scripture, while clearly explaining the nature of genuine spiritual experience. He also fields a series of questions about Newton's Calvinism.
The Failure of Moralistic Preaching--Calvinism--Moral Inability
The Necessity of the Divine Light
True Faith-Moral Inability
Faith--Spiritual Knowledge--Seeking--True Repentance
Download Letters from Olney, these four letters in Word format.  PDF

Three Letters to Mrs H---

Helpful, practical letters to a Christian in the "School of Suffering." Newton answers the question, "Why do Christians suffer?"
The School of Suffering
Doubts and Fears--The Source of Assurance
Strength in Affliction--The Secret of Loving Christ More

Two Letters to Miss P----

Two letters on disappointment only Newton could have written. Written from his own personal experience.
Disappointment--What is Necessary--God's Patience
When We Awake in Glory

Miscellaneous Letters

Divine Guidance
The Benefits of Affliction
Contrary Principles in the Believer
The Gift of Preaching--Advice to a Young Preacher
How Great is His Goodness!--The Journey to Heaven
Medical Decisions--Providence and Health

Five Letters to Mr. C

Newton writes to a divinity student, who wrestles with the attractions of academic honours and his call to an evangelical ministry. His Christian zeal wins out, with awkward results. Newton offers his wisdom and experience to an impetuous youth.
Difficulties of the Ministry--Intimacy with Christ
Death--Academic Honours--Written Sermons
Long Sermons--Loud Sermons--Itinerating
Parochial Ministry--Waiting

Eight Letters to Mrs. ****

Helpful letters to a woman who is troubled by her sin, and that of her unsaved friends. Practical advice to a person in the world, but not of it.
Sin--Sanctification--Unsaved Friends
In the Lord's Service--Assurance--Our Shepherd
The Pleasures of this World--The Blessed Hope
God's Love--Backsliding--London Grace
Christian Humility--Christ's School--Friends
Why Suffering?--Glorifying God--His Riches
The Benefits of Affliction
The Death of Friends--Awaiting the Sabbath

Five Letters to Miss D****

Letters to a young woman. Warm, spiritual counsel.
Christian Fellowship--Amusements--Walking in Darkness
Christ's Absences--Spiritual Experience
Fellowship with Christ and Friends Contrasted
Withdrawal--Being Where the Lord Wants Us
Marriage--Time is Short

Fourteen Letters to Rev. Mr B*****

Newton was friends with many Nonconformist ministers. These letters illustrate the warmth and depth of his friendship. He also gives some amusing insights into his relationship with Nonconformity.
Time--The Tongue
Temptations of the City--A Lion in Olney Read a poem about this incident.
Unprofitable Company--Sectarianism
Making Plans
Interpreting the Bible
Mercy to Sinners
Dying in the Lord
Illness--The Fast Day
Trust in God's Will
Bodily Ills and Spiritual Health
One Thing Needful
The Lord Cares

Download Letters of Encouragement, a selection of nine letters in Word format dealing with affliction, suffering, and providence.  PDF
Download Letters from Olney, four letters dealing with depravity, Calvinism, seeking, and real faith. In Word format.

See Also:
       Poems by John Newton

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